Exploring, for example, Face-book for pages and individuals that try to promote science and research, shows a wide range of related activities. Beyond professional organizations, print and other media and commercial undertakings there other activities that are driven by individuals who like to share their cross-sectional or focused interests.
Just as I have a page that's sharing my views on science and research, or others like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... How to bundle these views? How to render them more visible?
Those views of interested and committed individuals should be precious for shaping societal choices how to employ our resources most effectively. It should not be left to the scientists themselves or politicians to make these choices. The citizens should have some influence to orientate science and research on the subjects that we find most burning. Such a claim will not be seen well by many scientists, who fear rightly undue mingling with methods and how research is conducted. However citizen should have a say what priorities should be followed more or less vigorously. Social networks may be a means to debate these choices and influence them.
Today - one year after Fukushima - one of the questions is how to drive public choices about orientation of our research is undertaking. Seeing the picture about help and support actions I wonder for example what kind of research was done about how to help most effectively after the disaster struck?